


Eric, Florida

“2L coaching has taken me to the next level of Marathon Running. I used to believe that running a marathon was about surviving for 26.2 miles. Now it’s about how fast I can run 26.2 miles.

I initially joined 2L in order to break the 3hr mark, and joined rather hesitantly. I had friend’s who used Lowell for previous races, and mentioned to get to the next level this was a great way. I had run 4 marathons and several halves previously to 2L using books, and was always exhausted by the end of the program. I was always trying to figure out how fast I was suppose to run, what to do if I missed a day, and how to integrate my running with everything else going on in my life.

There coaching style has allowed me to train hard, while adapting my running schedule to both my work and social lives. I enjoy not worrying about what to do if I miss a run, or if I’m not feeling 100%. Even though I use the online program, 2L’s hands on coaching approach allows you real time to adjust your workouts to your needs, and what’s going on in your life without having to wonder how you are supposed to make up runs during a set 18week training program.

With 2L coaching not only have I been able to bounce back from injury, but I have been able to bounce back stronger and faster. Previous PRs in both my half and full marathons have been shattered, and I am only starting to wonder what my true potential is.”


Jenny Bushover, New York

"Last year I decided to take my running to a new level and hired 2L Coaching to help me; Since then I've been working with Aaron Ladd and in a short period of time I have achieved goals I didn't think were possible.

I am a Cyclist who took up running a few years ago for fitness and fell in love with it. I went from running for fitness and dreaming about being a competitive runner to actually competing in 4 half marathons (top 5 in my age group) and my first Marathon with a Boston qualifying time.

Having been a competitor most of my life in Cycling and other sports it has taught me that the Coach and Athlete relationship is the most important element in training and I have found this with Aaron. His knowledge, experience (the fact that he competes), accessibility, and sense of humor have made me completely trust him with my training. I am headed to Boston and many other events still await me. I feel that I have the support and knowledge backing me to accomplish my goals. Thank you Aaron I could not have done this without you!"


Suzy, Wisconsin

"Having the right coach makes all the difference if you are looking for big improvements in your running performance. In the short time I have been working with 2LCoaching’s Lowell Ladd I have not only achieved major PR’s in all distances - the marathon, half-marathon, and 10K, but also achieved successive PR’s in these distances. This year I achieved my ultimate goal - qualifying for the Boston marathon with a tie of 3:39:52, over 10 minutes faster than I actually needed and 40 minutes faster than when we first started working together!

After having been coached by another well-known online professional, I decided I needed to find someone who would provide a better balance of technical savvy, emotional support, and a willingness to treat me as an individual; looking at my strengths and weaknesses to create a customized game plan - 2LCoaching has done that for me.

I started running 5 years ago at the age of 39 years old and continue to be “over-enthusiastic” when it comes to training. Before meeting Lowell, I was either working with a devised plan that was beyond my technical capabilities or creating my own plan that added nothing more than too many miles. As a result, I was not improving and most of my races were disappointing.

If you are looking for someone who can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs, is available to answer questions in an easy to understand manner and truly cares about you as a whole run, I strongly recommend 2LCoaching.

I am not sure what 2008 will bring, but I have every confidence that it will include many more PRs!"


Julie Gilchrist, Montana

"Living in a remote area of Montana, running can have its challenges, but fortunately I found 2Lcoaching. My only running partner is my border collie, LU, and from our ranch I have two roads to choose from. Having been a runner since grade school, it is something I don't want to live without but I also wanted to run a marathon and really didn't have an idea on how to go about it. I had tried using a program I found on the internet a couple of years ago but pulled a hamstring with a month to go and it took me 6 months to recover

Still having the marathon goal in mind I read about online training programs and started looking into them. After reviewing programs for a couple of days I didn't find anything that really fit my training style and didn't take into consideration my conditions and terrain. With that, I started looking for an online coach thinking the whole time it would be cost prohibitive.

After reviewing the services offered by 2L Coaching I decided to go for the trial week and see what happened. Of course, I only gave my coach, Brian Falk, 16 weeks to get me in shape for my first marathon! It's a program that works great for me. Even though Brian and I email only once a week he is reviewing my log often. If he noticed that I had a sore foot and limped home for 3 miles the next few days of workouts were altered so I didn't push myself too hard and he made me pay attention to what my body was saying.

My first marathon was a huge success for me. I placed first among the women and my time was 3:14:31, about 9 minutes faster than I had planned. Now I have my sights set on a marathon in November with an even faster time.

Brian answers my questions and gives me a weekly training schedule that fits me. I'm in the best condition I have been in since college and I know with Brian's coaching there are more 'glory days' (albeit for a 38 year old) to come. I signed up for 26 more weeks before I ran the marathon and I plan on continuing with 2Lcoaching until they tell me they've had enough!"


Michael Steed, Utah

My experience with 2L Coaching has been very positive. The workouts are customized to match my goals, current fitness, and schedule. My coach has been responsive to questions and encouraging about the progress I have made.

He has also helped me to establish realistic and challenging goals.

Since I began training with 2L Coaching, I have made steady improvements as a runner. I am already running better than I thought possible, and I know I have not reached my limits yet. At the same time, with my coach's guidance, I have been able to prevent and avoid injuries.

I have learned that an experienced coach can be a tremendous help in creating an effective, personalized training program. More importantly, the ongoing interaction helps ensure that my training goes well, and my workouts continue to change as my fitness improves. I am pleased with my results so far, and I am confident I can continue to improve with the help of 2L Coaching!


Shannon Haynes, Connecticut

In July 2004, after a miserable Boston Marathon, I knew I wasn’t running to my potential and I had no idea on how to improve.

With two young children, ages 1 and 3, and a full-time job I didn’t have the time to figure it out. So, when I saw an opportunity for online coaching I decided to give it a try and hooked up with Lowell.

My experience since then has been nothing less than amazing. I’ve been able to accomplish goals I never thought were possible. Lowell takes care of all the planning.

I firmly believe that Lowell’s advice and direction has kept me injury free and lead me to PR after PR.


Theresa Westfall, Washington

What I like about 2L Coaching is that it is convenient for my schedule because I can go online and check the schedule anytime day or night and send emails accordingly. By having workouts planned for me, I am free to put my mental energy into the workout and not into wondering if this is what I should be doing and I get to do as the schedule says.

Before starting with the online coaching, I would just run when ever I could squeeze it in because it would become a low priorty and I ran according to the time I felt I had available. With the schedule from my coach I plan for the week ahead and by doing that I am able to get more workouts in. Another benefit is that I don't fall into the trap of overtraining. If the schedule says it is an easy day I go easy and if it says push it I'll push it. Before I had the coaching if I only had a short time to run I would over do it .

By making time for more running I feel I have the luxury of easy days and I get the benefits from them. I have been a runner for over 25 years and since I have started with 2L Coaching I have improved both my speed and my endurance. I approach races with more confidence because I know I have trained for them and I am capable of acheiving my goals.

I have posted personal bests at most of the races I have entered and more important I have been injury free.


Tim Garrity, Maine

As a 50 year old, my body is more fragile than it use to be but I've found that Lowell's coaching has helped me manage my physical limits so I can get the most out of my time and body.

If I left my running schedule up to me, I'd changed it every time I read a new article in Runner's World. I'd train harder and longer than I'm capable and run myself right into an injury.

With Lowell's coaching, I'm running fewer miles but I'm running faster and staying healthier. My marathon time has improved from 4:44 to 3:58 in about six months and our next goal is for me to run a 3:35 Boston qualifier. With Lowell's help I'm sure I can do it.


Nick Jongebloed, Florida

For a fraction of the cost of a personal trainer I get all that I need: expert direction, a solid training schedule towards specific race goals and the external motivation to drag my butt out of bed for a run! My coach expects an update and I hate it when I have to report that I missed a workout! 2L Coaching Services has a great program here and a wonderful concept!! This program helped me towards my 2nd best marathon in 10 years.

I ran the Salt Lake City Marathon in April 2005. Despite 4,500 foot elevations and the quadriceps-beating I took during the first 6 miles of the course, I ran a solid race due in large part to the preparation of my training schedule (can’t train for altitude or hills in Jacksonville, Florida!!).

With Lowell’s help, I plan on strong finishes in the series of 5K road races in our community through the summer. In December, 2005 I hope to qualify for Boston at the Kiawa Island Marathon in South Carolina. I haven’t run a marathon under 3:10 since October 1994 (Of course… now that I’m 40 years old I only need to run a 3:20!!). Here’s to Boston 2006!


Megan Burns, Virginia

I found 2L Coaching Services on the web, and with the help of my coach was able to follow a program that not only kept me injury free but helped me win the 2005 Shamrock Marathon in a time of 2:58.28! The personalized workouts are easy to follow and the email interaction is great. My coach is very responsive and it is fantastic to have such a knowledgeable resource to consult. I never thought I could run this fast in my 40s, but the program made it possible.

I have been working with Lowell since November of 2004. After a break from running of several years, I decided to try to get back in running shape in the Fall of 2003. Unfortunately, I discovered that my over 40 body was not capable of handling a quick increase in mileage and I wound up sidelined with injuries during most of last year. When I was finally able to get back on the roads, I wanted to be sure not to become injured again but I still wanted to run a marathon.

The volume of running literature out there is enormous, but distilling it all into an actual program to follow is difficult at best. I needed someone to help me find right mix of workouts, the proper pace to be running them, and the right level of mileage - all while staying injury free. 2L Coaching met all those needs and more.

I look forward to even faster marathons in my near future!


Christine Ganz, Maine

"Lowell has coached me through two marathons now, and each time, he has helped me set a new PR. As an accomplished and experienced runner himself, Lowell is in an ideal position to give sound advice. He provided me with a program that was focused and realistic, highly personalized to my abilities and to the specific challenges of the hilly course I faced.

Lowell has always showed genuine interest in my progress, and was prompt to address any questions or concerns I had along the way. The workouts pushed me to meet new goals, which in turn inspired me to want to try even harder. On marathon day, I felt as strong and well-prepared as I could have been, and thanks to Lowell, I recently won the women's crown at the Mount Desert Island Marathon!

Thank you Lowell!"


Chip Keyes, Idaho

"Lowell has been coaching me over the past year providing consultation and workouts that have put me on a fast track towards achieving my running goals while keeping me injury free. As a 40+ year old recreational runner, I no longer worry whether I'm running too little, too much, too fast, or too slow. I know I'm getting the right mix of speed work, hill climbs, and long runs, along with the right amount of rest and recovery.

Unlike programmed workouts in magazines or running books, my workouts are adaptive to both my short term race goals and longer term running objectives. I am extremely happy with my progress over the past 12 months and the achievements made on race days, but more importantly I am happy to have not been sidelined with any over use injuries that have historically plagued my running. I find that my interactions with Lowell through E-Mail are more responsive, more convenient, more deliberate and more cost effective than what I could achieve locally.

If you can establish a goal, and muster the commitment to achieve that goal, Lowell is great partner for charting the way and ensuring you'll arrive at your ultimate destination!"


Kathy Wickersham, Texas

"Lowell has been coaching me since Jan 04, Lowell knows what it takes to help a runner get faster, stay healthy and achieve their goals. With Lowell's guidance, I achieved my long time goal of breaking 3 hours in the marathon this year in Philadelphia. Am I satisfied now that I've run under 3 hours? No, I want to run even faster. With Lowell's knowledge and guidance, there's no question that I will run faster. Thank you Lowell for helping me reach my goals!"